
AMD's clock: Mobile's competitiveness

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A few days ago, AMD publicly displayed six-core Istanbul, the second half of the global server market, OEM and solutions widely used market. Financial crisis and economic recession cloud top pressure today, at Intel Shanghai Factory abolished the news has not yet been divorced from a time when people's attention; AMD This undoubtedly shows that competitiveness is still血脉贲张, surging.

Kenneth. Rogoff When talking about China's success, said, "China's success comes from the government and the private sector to maintain the balance between expansion", the core is "balanced." The competitiveness of enterprises is the same, technological innovation is a strong force in the expansion, and market demand is a format of social performance; a technical enterprise, to achieve the balance between the two, it obtained the essence of competitiveness to, it is obtained the development of easy access. In my opinion, AMD is a balance between corporate competitive advantage. For AMD, regardless of whether the financial crisis or economic crisis, should have nothing, because it at long-term competitiveness and Intel are at all times have the full sense of crisis, and thus have the ability to balance the competitiveness of the various factors .
For enterprises, the most difficult prediction is not the scale of production, financial budget, but next time do not know what is the industry turning point. To the success of the previous reference is actually the most innovative value, to borrow the words the economic sphere, it is the lack of "mobility"; any innovation model is the rigidity of the death of innovation. Stick to Moore's Law at Intel, blindly pursue GHz processor time, AMD to give up the frequency of chasing games, 64 pre-entered the field of architecture in the Directive on bold reforms from the status of his followers have become well-matched competition with Intel will Cyrix, IBM, Rise left behind, that is, the balance of competitive strategies of a successful industrial upgrading.
For the semiconductor industry, in addition to the production flow and management thought, technological innovation is the result of manufacturing. Excess production capacity and the manufacturing sector are taboo. Intel earlier this year the abolition of the Shanghai factory, the direct cause of the economic crisis led to the market are shrinking, this is also a kind of excess production capacity. Under the new political economy analysis, only the appearance of excess production capacity, the real decline in efficiency, including a decline in the efficiency of resource allocation and efficiency to reduce the effectiveness of Products. Intel is not aware of the dangers of excess production capacity, it has always been to pursue the maximization of the market scale is evidenced; AMD than Intel but go more in-depth, it directly into the essence of excess production capacity, focus on two aspects of efficiency, which makes AMD Product quality and performance at a considerable circumstances, Price has always been able to maintain and Intel's a wide gap between a lot of time even at the same Intel products only 1 / 2. Market recognition so that AMD almost completely avoid the crisis of overcapacity, and a regular supply situation.

Corporate culture is the most valuable investment. The same time as the Fairchild semiconductor pioneer, Andy. Maxim (Andy Grove) are my idol, because the sentence "Only the paranoid survive"; Jerry but me too. Sanders (Jerry Sanders) worship who, because he spent almost half of life, to give chase, challenges and resistance to Intel. Fang Xingdong evaluation once the founder of AMD: "no exaggeration to say that today every PC user, even if Intel are loyal users, should be grateful to Sanders, a harbor." He uses his own actions and spirit will be filled in each market, the cold into a competitive enterprise vascular blood in torrents ever, and passed to the AMD's latecomers. The spirit of such action is not strictly necessary training, a good program, or long words and deeds; as long as an enterprise, as long as a business leader, at their own users or clients to obtain real benefits, he can feel pleasure , then he and his company will have access to such flows, competitive talent. Sanders said: "I dream of the United States are the biggest faithful believers. As long as you put enough energy and effort, nothing is impossible, This is always my choice of belief." In this respect, AMD , because the great dream.

