
The New York Foreign Exchange US dollar falls to

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The New York Foreign Exchange US dollar falls to the most principal currencies European Central

Bank Management committee Member Exel the · Weber on 10th said that he thought the European

Central Bank possibly continues in 1.5% current interest rate levels to reduce the interest rate,

but the reducing the interest rate scope cannot be very big; He hoped that the Eurozone interest

rate do not fall to 1% below. The Weber opinion has provided certain support to the euro, urges US

dollar is the currency weakens to Europe. on 11th the New York Foreign Exchange closing 1 euro

exchanges 1.2803 US dollars, is higher than the preceding trading day 1.2637 US dollars; 1 pound

exchanges 1.3848 US dollars, is higher than the preceding trading day 1.3723 US dollars. 1 US

dollar exchanges 97.27 Japanese Yen, is lower than the preceding trading day 98.85 US dollars; 1 US

dollar exchanges 1.1545 Swiss francs, is lower than the preceding trading day 1.1637 Swiss franc; 1

US dollar exchanges 1.2885 Canadian dollars, slightly is higher than the preceding trading day

1.2881 Canadian dollars.

