
The steady growth of China's telecommunications industry mobile Internet users

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Although the global economy hit by financial crises, but the Chinese telecom industry has not received any significant effect. Industry and the Ministry of Information recently released nationwide in January communications industry operations statistical reports, statistics show that in January the National Telecommunications operating income totaled 62.94 billion yuan, representing year-on-year growth of 5.7%.

Statistics show that the national mobile phone users continue to maintain growth, net growth of 8,485,000 to 649,000,000. Mobile packet data users that mobile Internet users increased 22.088 million to 276 million, 42.5% of users use mobile Internet.

Fixed connection, in January of fixed phone users to reduce 1,016,000, reduced to 339 million; wireless subscribers that PHS users to use less 1,365,000, to 67,560,000.

In addition, to further the trend of broadband Internet users and Internet dial-up users in January to reduce 2,533,000, to 11,840,000, and the Internet broadband access net increase of 1,206,000 subscribers, reaching 84.63 million, one of XDSL users (for ADSL-based ) further increased to 69,090,000

