
The US stock market received the high financial stock collar to rise on Wednesday

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The US stock market received the high financial stock collar to rise on Wednesday the Dow Jones

Industrial Average to rise 3.91 points once more, closed 6930.40 points, the increase scope 0.06%.

The Standard & Poor 500 indices rise 0.24%. The NASDAQ composite index rises 0.98%. Zhongxinwang on

March 12 US stock market after preceding trading day large dramatic rise Wednesday small scale

rises, in the plate fluctuates fiercely. up to closing, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 3.91

points, closes 6930.40 points, the increase scope 0.06%. The Standard & Poor 500 indices rose 1.76

points, closes 721.36 points, the increase scope 0.24%. The NASDAQ composite index rose 13.36

points, closes 1371.64 points, the increase scope 0.98%. the finance stock collar rises once more,

but the high spot receded from the plate, when closing rises 2.4%. the American flag group rose

6.2%, related American flag the first two months realize the profit news this year are the primary

causes which yesterday US rose dramatically. Morgan passed greatly rose 4.6%, was the same with the

American flag group, Morgan passed the first two months also to realize the profit this year

greatly. The American Bank rose 4.2%. Tuesday, the American flag group was announced that this year

the first two months realize the profit as well as from Massachusetts's Democratic Party member of

the house of representatives Bani - franker announced the American Securities Supervisory

Association soon restores forbids to sell short advantage good news impetuses and so on financial

stock prohibition rule, the US stock market rises dramatically largely, sets the record of four

month greatest increase scope

