
Chinese girl was peeping continued to work in Japan: the boss fined ¥ 9000

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Yesterday's news was informed that the Summary Court Tokushima Japan (grass-roots courts) recently issued a ruling that went to Japan, China and others working小婕company bosses committing Nippon Light Crimes Act, in this Japanese boss sentenced to a fine of ¥ 9000. At present, the Japanese owner has to pay the fine in full. According to news released over Japan's Kyodo news agency reported that the District Prosecutor's Office on Tokushima City, Tokushima horticulture student dormitory China has been the installation of surveillance cameras, for breaching the "Crime Act" (peep) on charges the company boss (64 years) implemented a summary prosecutions. The indictment stated that the president was at 8:00 on May 2 installed in the cafeteria before and after the use of small camera, and through the nearby office quarters inside the TV watching the situation canteens. In early May, living in the dormitory of female students found a canteen inside the camera. Although the president has made their actions "to prevent the (student) missing and quarrel," the explanation, but the students took the opposite side view, said: "The canteen was in a corner changing clothes." The case was referred to as the "peeping" incidents as reported by Chinese media. July 22, Tokushima Summary Court (grass-roots court) issued a decision, punishable by a fine of ¥ 9000. The owner has now paid the same amount of fines, and said that service contractors. Late yesterday, the reporter and has returned to Shenyang小婕and小婕to contact family members, they said the owner had been convicted of Japan is also the knowledge of the matter. Chinese Consulate General in Osaka in Japan, a consular told reporters that they do not know on the matter. However, a fine of ¥ 9000 with the original Consulate General of Japan in accordance with the laws of the estimated and the basic line. News Background: May 9, who lives in the city of Shenyang Xinmin小婕(a pseudonym) and other nine girls in their work Tokushima Japan gardening company locker room found a camera, then call the police and stop working. May 12, this newspaper has reported the matter internally first, and actively contact with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Chinese Foreign Ministry consular department then instructed me in Osaka, Japan, the Consulate General Consul to Tokushima solemn representations with the Japanese police. May 28, the Japanese police official will be sent to Japan's case, Japanese police also proposed to deal with its light on suspicion of criminal prosecution on behalf of. May 29, this reporter has been the Information Services Department respond to China's Ministry of Commerce, China's Ministry Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Liaoning Province has ordered the door to investigate and deal with the matter immediately. June 3, the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman in answer to a reporter's question, the media said that this was a serious violation of my personal rights and interests of trainees incident, demanding that the Japanese police are dealt with impartially. June 4, from the Liaoning Provincial Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation doors and expatriate companies rushed to the Consultative Group 5 Tokushima for several girls to the spirit of the fight for compensation. During this process, the China Central Television, China News Agency, Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV and the Japanese Asahi Shimbun, Kyodo News, "Chinese Kansai Times" and other major Chinese and foreign media have been reproduced in newspaper reports or been involved in this incident report. June 7, five girls and so on小婕finally boarded to fly to Osaka, Japan, China Shenyang aircraft.

