
U.S. Senate asked to buy domestic products to strengthen the terms of spoken openly against Obama

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The United States Senate on the 2nd on the Government's economic stimulus package proposed by the start of the debate, of which the "buy domestic products" provisions caused enormous controversy. One of the Senate request for strengthening the "buy domestic products" clauses, but in view of such trade protection measures may trigger off a global trade war, U.S. President Obama Day 3 position against this provision.

3 day Obama said that the issue of protectionism in the United States should not signal. He warned the U.S. Congress, the new economic stimulus plan should not contain the final version of anything that might trigger a trade war protectionism language.

Obama to break the silence

The United States House of Representatives January 28 vote of the economic stimulus plan has a provision where the government's economic stimulus program under engineering, construction must be used in the United States iron and steel goods.

According to the Associated Press reported February 3, the Senate will further strengthen the provisions to buy domestic products. According to Senator Byron Dorgan's proposal, "American goods" will be the scope for further expansion, from the iron and steel products expanded to all works of steel and other manufactured goods, and engineering materials, such as Can not meet the above requirements will not be allowed to use economic stimulus package funding.

The current economic stimulus program of the final version is still debate whether this provision would make a formal written into the final bill, depending on the Democratic and Republican parties of the final results of the consultation. In mid-February is the Obama government economic stimulus package signed by the deadline set, if the Senate failed to reach an agreement, Obama rejected this provision will become the last hurdle.

Prior to Obama's many cabinet members are to maintain an evasive attitude on this issue, only a few days ago, Vice President Biden interview with the media, said publicly that he believes in the economic stimulus program that contains some of the terms of purchase American goods, "is lawful."

However, Obama is finally breaking the silence on the 3rd day, non-stop to accept more than ABC and other major U.S. television interview that the issue of protectionism in the United States should not signal. In an interview with Fox Television, said: "On the occasion of the continuous shrinkage of global trade, I think the United States should not send such a signal: We only care about ourselves, without having regard to global trade."

Given under consideration to buy domestic products has stirred up the terms of Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Australia and the European Union heads of public censure, Obama said: "We must ensure that the (economic stimulus plan) will not trigger any of the terms of trade World War II. "

Obama's test

Obama made the remarks at a time when many countries have emerged signs of trade protectionism, Spain repatriation of foreign workers busy with the local government, the Swedish government provides some assistance scheme only guarantees Sweden Products, Germany requested the bank to accept the Government's aid priorities on the domestic enterprises lending, the United Kingdom outbreak foreign workers strike to protest the incident and so on.

French Economy, Finance and Employment Minister Christine Lagarde in the January 29 interview with "schizophrenia" to describe the policy of the countries currently facing problems. "On the one hand, we must oppose protectionism," she said, "but on the other hand, we have to tell taxpayers that this would bring them nothing. We need to balance good."

EU Ambassador to the United States John Bruton on the 2nd United States Secretary of State sent a letter to Hillary Clinton, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and several members of Congress the same day, an interview with Reuters, said: "President Obama a good chance to lead the world ... ... But if he signed the first bill the detriment of other national economic interests, then he can give the world the necessary leadership will be greatly weakened. "

User hot you "more harm than good"

In the United States, some business people, economists worried about is that the United States "to buy domestic products" provisions will not only lead to trade protection in the world, there are likely to distort the World Trade Organization on the protection of trade agreements.

To enable the United States from the WTO into arbitration, have "to buy domestic products," the terms of supporters suggested that the provisions of the clause referred to "Buy" for the WTO's "Agreement on Government Procurement," the signatories Products.

It is noteworthy that the World Trade Organization Director-General Pascal Lamy, in the just-concluded annual meeting of the Davos Forum, pointed out that in times of economic crisis, foreigners are a common national political scapegoat. But in fact, are often outweigh such political tactics.

Only buy the goods the provisions of the authors of the United States is IN the United States Members of the Democratic Party, Peter, who is considered the interests of the United States Iron and Steel Group in the Congress spokesman, won the American Iron and Steel Company and United States Steel Corporation纽克尔manufacturing enterprises支持.

The United States think tank Peterson Institute for International Economics 3 Published studies show that day, according to the House of Representatives the "Buy American" provisions of the United States steel industry will increase the demand for 500,000 tons, equivalent to an increase for the United States steel industry 1000 jobs ; even the Senate to amend the terms, it will only bring the United States to 9000 jobs, compared to 140 million the United States the work of a huge crowd, these positions is negligible. However, the "Buy American" provisions of the inevitable retaliation by other countries will make up to the United States lost 65,000 jobs, the overall economy of the United States more harm than good.

At present, this provision on the network has also led to the American hot you, have friends, said: "Why let the United States Government to the taxpayer's money to buy higher than the market price of American products?"

