
Senate asked to buy more Chinese goods Obama to say "no"

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"Buy domestic products clause" is to allow the United States become a target of public criticism. Obama statement: "We must ensure that the (economic stimulus plan) any of the terms will not trigger trade war."

The United States House of Representatives January 28 vote of the economic stimulus plan has a provision where the government's economic stimulus program under engineering, construction must be used in the United States iron and steel goods. This provision is known as "buying domestics terms" (BuyAmerican).

Whether the amendment was 885 billion

The United States Senate Republican local time Tuesday to veto the Democratic Party to support the success of the economic stimulus package would like to increase the 25 billion U.S. dollars in infrastructure spending proposal.

The Senate on Tuesday by the Washington State Senator Patty?默里提out 885 billion U.S. dollars for the first round of the amendment vote, 38 Republican senators and Democratic Senator Mary LA? Landry voted against it, makes the motion was not carried . Senate, 56 Democrats and two Republican senators to vote to support the amendment. But 58 votes to 39 the results of the vote to remove procedural obstacles failed to meet the required three-fifths majority.

The Democratic Party, said Republican and Democratic senators called for economic stimulus program should be increased infrastructure spending, so they made the above amendments. After the voting, the Republicans said they oppose the size of the excessive expansion of the program.

Senate Majority Leader Harry. Reid said the Senate will be in this evening and tomorrow on the amendment carried out several rounds of voting. Some members of the Democratic Party at least 50 billion U.S. dollars diverted to rescue the real estate industry, some other Members who wish to reduce the creation of employment of little expenses.

Obama refused to "buy more domestic products"

The Associated Press reported February 3, the Senate will further strengthen the provisions to buy domestic products (BuyAmerican). According to Senator Byron. Dorgan's proposal, "American goods" will be the scope for further expansion, from the iron and steel products expanded to all works of steel and other manufactured goods, and engineering materials, such as Can not meet the above requirements will not be allowed to use economic stimulus package funding.

The current economic stimulus program of the final version is still debate whether this provision would make a formal written into the final bill, depending on the Democratic and Republican parties of the final results of the consultation. In mid-February is the Obama government economic stimulus package signed by the deadline set.

Obama on the 3rd President of the United States finally broke the silence, said the issue of protectionism in the United States should not signal. In an interview with Fox Television, said: "On the occasion of the continuous shrinkage of global trade, I think the United States should not send such a signal: We only care about ourselves, without having regard to global trade."

Given under consideration to buy domestic products in terms of number of heads of state have provoked a public condemnation, Obama said: "We must ensure that the (economic stimulus plan) any of the terms will not trigger trade war."

World Trade Organization recently called for vigilance in times of crisis against the backdrop of a resurgence of trade protectionism. For example, the Spanish Minister of Industry Tourism and recommended the Spaniards do not go to France and Andalusia in Spain to leave for their wintering and create jobs. France is no exception, the French finance their auto industry, automotive industry is committed to not moving the factory.

】 【Voice

Protectionism = trade war?

EU: Can not "buy only American manufacturers." The EU warned that if the United States Government to continue in its future economic stimulus bill the "only buy the United States to create" terms, then the EU may be instituted against the United States trade litigation.

EU Ambassador to the United States John. Bruton: The United States should fulfill the commitments to promote trade, do not buy Chinese goods because of the terms of the "global fall into a vicious cycle of trade protectionism."

Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Toshihiro Nikai:

If the bill to set up, once to identify the victims, the European Union will jointly appeal to the WTO.

Canadian International Trade Minister Dey: If the United States to implement "buy American goods" measures, other countries will inevitably lead to "retaliatory action."

British business minister Peter Mandelson: "Buy American" program will lead to trade barriers, lead to trade conflicts.

The United States Chamber of Commerce chairman Tom. Donohue:

"95% of the world's consumers living outside the United States, if we refuse to buy foreign products, our trading partners will refuse to buy our products. The United States is the world's largest exporters, one of whom will suffer the greatest? "

U.S. manufacturing giant Caterpillar, General Electric and other companies: This would give the United States protectionist practices drowned enterprises.

Power crisis

Re-exposed "door tax" Obama brought down the two nominees

Obama hit the first 3 day major political crisis: He's Washington's closest advisers, the Minister of Health to nominate candidates for Tom. Daschle (upper right) in tax arrears as a result of being exposed more than 120,000 U.S. dollars and quit the nomination. Has served as the Senate Majority Leader Daschle is a close friend of Obama, as Obama has been in the first term of office of the Government as soon as possible to achieve universal health insurance scheme key. It is reported that Obama, with "sadness and regret" feeling accepted the resignation of Daschle.

The incident took place three hours ago, Obama team another senior member of the White House chief performance officer candidate Nancy.基利弗(bottom right) revealed the same due to tax arrears and was forced to resign.

Save the city of New Deal

Wall Street executives, "aims to listen to" pay cap 500000

3 night, the United States "New York Times" Web site to become familiar with Obama's rescue package for the sources said, according to plan, receive a large sum of funds to rescue the market company executives pay a maximum of 500,000 U.S. dollars, with the exception of this 500,000 U.S. dollars and should be a dividend but no longer has bonus compensation.

Obama and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy? Geithner is scheduled on the 4th morning, announced the plan. Reuters said the two men in the United States Eastern time at 11:00 on the 4th to hold a news conference at the White House.

To time, limit the pay of many key details still unclear, for example, the salary limit is applied only to obtain the "special assistance" in order to avoid the collapse of all the business or enterprise shall save the city.

In addition to Citigroup, such as acceptance of "special assistance" of enterprises, most of the city to save the financial institutions shall be considered "healthy." These agencies received funding to support its credit business, not "救苦救难."

It is learned that the United States Financial Services Committee will convene February 11 to receive assistance in the first eight banks CEO hearings. Assistant United States Financial Services Committee and the Chairman Barney? Frank said Tuesday, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase and other banks will be the National Assembly to convene next week to explain how they use aid funds

