
Germany cashier € 1 for suspected involvement in corruption was alerted speech Prime Minister

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In Germany, an ordinary supermarket cashier for suspected involvement in corruption customers 1.3 euros a bottle of retirement by the company to dismiss charges. Caused by the financial crisis and layoffs, the cashier immediately become representatives of vulnerable groups, and trade unions and other social organizations to participate actively in human rights assistance, public attention at the next, cashier speech case was quickly upgraded to the focus of case Quande , and even Chancellor Angela Merkel has been alerted.

Retirement costs caused by large bottle case

50-year-old Barbara拉艾米丽Germany凯泽斯supermarket chains are an ordinary cashier, Services at this post 31 years later, in January last year, she was dismissed. The reason is suspected of occupying two supermarkets were 48 euro cents and 82 euro bottle of retirement costs.

For Emily, supermarket ordered the "immediate dismissal." According to German regulations, which are made by employers to employees the most severe punishment, means that do not need to seek the dismissal of the employees, have been laid off workers will also lose all of their contract termination payment.

On the supermarket's decision against Emily, she immediately hired a lawyer, corporate divisions of labor on the local court to reverse the dismissal of enterprises decide.

Germany's labor dispute cases by the specialized labor courts. Labor Court is divided into local, state and federal levels. Judges hearing cases apart from professional judges, but also by the employers associations and trade unions to nominate the two "honorary judge", so are at the trial in order to take into account the interests of both parties.

Court reach the European Court of Justice

In August last year, Emily's place in Berlin Labor Court after it lost the case, then appealed to the Brandenburg secondary labor court. February 24 this year, the court of second instance upheld the original verdict.

In fact, if not because they were suspected of corruption, the dismissal is not easy in Germany. "Dismissal protection law" provides that an employee may not, in principle, required special reasons can be suspended within the statutory period of labor relations, and the employer's termination rights are subject to various constraints, such as to consider the worker's age, length of service, the average household burden and health status and so on. In addition, the dismissed employee must also pay high compensation, such as Emily more than 50 years of age, length of service longer than 15 years of employees, in accordance with the normal termination procedures required a one-time payment of 15 months unpaid compensation.

However, Brandenburg labor court judge Mr. Lebail think, belong to the case of Emily "fault dismissal," "as a cashier the most basic requirement is honesty, even if a small amount of money no longer have to maintain absolute honesty . "said Mr. Lebail.

But Emily denied corruption, she said that he has participated in the strike, demand better treatment, and this is the employer of her revenge. Supermarkets also admit, there is no definitive evidence that Emily theft. However, according to German regulations, an employer can be a "strong suspicion" as the reason for dismissal of employees. In other words, as long as there is objective truth, and there is a major suspect, could be a reason for dismissal.

After a final decision on appeal, the father of three single mothers with children crying. And Emily and their lawyers have said they would continue to appeal, lawyers said the suspect based on judgments are ridiculous. If the Federal Labor Court of Appeal failed again, they will reach the European Court of Human Rights lawsuit.

Stir cashier election case

Financial crisis arrived, the crowd became unemployed because of social concerns of vulnerable groups, Emily has also become Germany's hot spot one night figures.

"A lot of German employees have also had similar experiences, because of unfair treatment lose their jobs. A lot of people do not have the courage to resist, but I will not give up." Emily said.

Emily's special dismissed her experience to become the focus of media attention in Germany, has also become a hot political topic in Germany.

President of the Federal Parliament, Social Democrat Wolfgang Thierse said that the court's ruling is "barbaric capitalist system" in a case in point. "This case has destroyed people's confidence in democracy, the court should put her to the supermarket for 31 years hard work of the factors taken into consideration."

One of the ruling party, the Christian Social Union chairman霍斯特泽Hofer said, "I do not understand how can a cashier were dismissed due to 1.3 euros, while those who lost billions of euros of bank executives able to keep their jobs. "

The case of Germany also to stimulate public awareness of those "rich" and the hostility of enterprises and banks, the German "Bild" A poll shows that 69% of the respondents think the court is unfair.

Emily excitation case has also affected public opinion to Chancellor Angela Merkel, as Chancellor last month on the 26th question by the media that this hostility will affect the upcoming general elections in September, the Chancellor answered only Euphemistic "I think Germany has experienced the crisis will become even stronger."

Government assistance

Unemployment subsidies by the Government after the rental

When the cashier when Emily's monthly income is approximately € 1700. Unemployment, she received up to one year, € 1200 per month of unemployment benefits. Now, she was classified as "second-class ranks of unemployment benefits," benefits received only 351 euros.

Under German law, duration of unemployment for more than a year the amount of people will no longer receive higher unemployment benefits, and the words "second-class unemployment benefits." Sharp drop in benefits because the local labor department was able to persuade Emily to move to a cheaper rent a small house. Government in rent, electricity and heating bills to give Emily appropriate subsidies.

In Germany, for long-term unemployed, the labor bureau would provide them with some temporary job. The unemployed to do pro bono work can also receive state-provided 1-2 euros per hour subsidy.

Of course, not in order to cultivate sluggard, if the long-term unemployed labor bureau refused to accept the introduction of the job, the Government can reduce or even abolish the benefits.

Currently, Emily is the most eager to get a new job, "I do not know whether it is now able to get a job opportunity. But I will never admit they have not done." Emily said.

Help trade unions

Full support of Emily rights

As unemployed single mothers, with their employers to court over the past year has spent thousands of euros Emily costs, the road to support her rights is the trade unions.

Emily joined the "German service sector trade union," press spokesman at科妮莉亚哈斯an interview with this newspaper said that Emily was a very hard-working staff, she repeatedly requested salary increase participation, improve improve the working environment such as the rights and interests of retail workers in strike activities, trade unions suspect that this is her real reason for dismissal.

Emily Haas case accused are retail bad case of judicial decisions: the dismissal of employees on the mere suspicion.

"Emily to the labor union-funded Court of Appeal, the right to strive for her. She is a union members, the entire human rights process is financed by us to pay. We also organized a number of marches in support of Emily activities, improve the case concerns degree. "Haas said.

Apart from the efforts of trade unions, Emily's friend and trade unions jointly organized a "solidarity with Emily Committee" solidarity with her, and set up a special account to receive donations.

German trade unions on how the financial crisis and layoffs to protect the rights of employees, Haas told reporters that Germany has begun implementing a wide range of industries, "when the job reduction system", that is, to shorten the working hours of employees, less the salaries of government subsidies, while the enterprises are guarantee of minimum redundancy. In the telecommunications industry, posts and telecommunications industries, the trade unions on behalf of all employees with the employers or collective bargaining, the signing of collective contracts, so it is difficult for enterprises to dismiss a single employee directly.

