
The United States developed a variety of unmanned boats to fight piracy may also be the world's aerial attack

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According to the United States, "Washington Times" March 5, 2009 report, the United States Pentagon, the project leader has been watching the unmanned attack boat, the boat is expected to be no attacks for the implementation of the fight against piracy and terrorist mission.

No attack boats from other air platforms and surface ships to carry out remote control, such weapons have been long-term neglect, but will now be considered to meet the Somali pirate attacks in Bombay and the threat of terrorist attacks such as the terrorist hijacking of fishing vessels at sea, the will be able to sneak into the city.

U.S. Navy "no man's water boat" (USVs) Project Leader Paul -西格雷斯特(Paul Siegrist) said, "they can become the eyes and ears of the fleet, but also to defend our ports and dock."西格雷斯特said No attack boats "will greatly reduce the forces carrying out its mandate the risks" that allows troops to carry out its mandate more effectively, in addition no one can attack boats manned ships can not perform some tasks. As originally planned, the U.S. Navy's Littoral Combat Ship will be the first with a "no man's water boat" warship.

西格雷斯特revealed that at present there are a few companies are competition-related contracts: General Dynamics has delivered two 11-meter-long unmanned boats, for the Littoral Combat Ship. General Dynamics spokesman Carl -奥斯卡恩(Karl Oskoian) said, "The boat is equipped with sensors to operate and support system, but also a variety of sonar equipment."奥斯卡恩said that there is no boat, "360-degree environment sensing capacity "can carry a payload of 5000 pounds, continuous 24-hour mission.

5G marine systems CEO Robert - Murphy (Robert Murphy) said they developed a 20-foot-long unmanned boat called "intercept" and its mission, including security and public services, can be used for anti-piracy patrols, port security and Monitoring wells at sea. Except for areas outside the Middle East and Somalia, Murphy said the boat can also be protected "waterfront facilities ... ... desalination plants and energy facilities." In addition, "block" in the deployment through a variety of means, can take advantage of the deployment of naval vessels and helicopters, but also to rely on a parachute airdrop may be to "any corner of the Earth" mission. "Interception" in no weaponry, but they can chase or crash pirate ships, can also be equipped with ultrasonic transmitters, light, laser dazzling devices and water cannons, and other non-lethal weapons.

From Florida, "the sea robot company" responsible for the author, no one of their boats can be air-dropped for "In the open ocean and coastal areas" carry out its mandate. The company president, Donald - Darling (Donald Darling) said, "It's an advanced military equipment, multi-band network communication system." Darling also pointed out that his company's unmanned boats can be equipped with remote control light weapons, grenade launchers and non-lethal weapons .

The critics said the changing circumstances (for example, to check cargo ship), the unmanned boat somewhat outdated, but the 5G Murphy, president of Maritime Systems, Inc. do not accept that, Murphy said, "When the ships at risk waters time, no one boat can provide early warning in order to take the necessary action warships, for example, the rapid acceleration or steering

