
Google earth five most interesting feature

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The latest launch of Google Earth 5.0 has a higher degree of visibility, allowing users to one of immersion, spend a lot of time. Using this tool, users can "fly" to any place on Earth, can also view 3D terrain or building, plan the ideal holiday programs, and explore the underwater world. The following is a "PC World" Featured in Google Earth of the 5 most interesting features:

1. Undersea submarine tours

Haifeng Davidson (Davidson Sea Mount) the existence of massive coral, deep-sea fish, fish, etc. Man-stars rare and unknown island of marine life. Through Google Earth 5.0, users can explore this as long as about 42 kilometers deep magical place, as well as other areas of the seabed. If the user-depth excavation of the Google Earth 5.0 features, can be found some areas of the seabed where the visibility is better than other places.

2. To explore Mars

Does life exist on Mars? Currently unknown, but the problem has stimulated much scientific exploration and scientific imagination. Now, users can use Google Earth 5.0 in the latest "model Mars" (Mars Mode) check it out.

3. Tourism

This is absolutely at Google Earth to pass the time in the most simple way. Whether in Las Vegas, Tokyo, Japan Imperial Palace or the Eiffel Tower will be a panoramic view.

4. Walk Times Square

In Google Earth select "Street View" (street scene mode), no tour guide can also enjoy the modern landscape of Times Square.

5. Views from the Fenway Park pitching District (Fenway park)

At baseball off-season, people can visit eight U.S. dollars on the history of the famous Boston Red Sox's home, but during the season, people want to stop I paid 20 dollars or 125 U.S. dollars to pay for the box. Google Earth can allow people to tour the stadium free of charge

